Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Alphas Rule #2

what is your morning schedule for fashion? I know you just slip on a yellow T-shirt and a pair of jeans, right? Well, i have a way for you to choose your outfits with care so that you alpha beauty will shine through the clothes that you wear. No one will notice you if your clothes don't tell anything about you. Check this out:

Jeans go with Everything: if this is you then you're totally right. But you can customize them to make them an envious item. T-shirts work great with them but you can add a mini skirt over you jeans to make them a 'sporty-girly' look. That wouldn't hurt. You can also tie a scarf over you butt so that it hangs in the back. This will also make it look better. For you shirts, choose layers. And maybe you can try shirt that curve with you body and stretch. This is GREAT with layers, I promise you.

Bony Knees: Yeah, it happens! you get so embarrassed that you can't wear mini skirts. Ever tried leggings? And not just black leggings, why don't you go with ones with wild patterns. This is a way for you to wear your favorite mini skirt without feeling afraid of what others think.

I like Dull!: Solid colors can be dull, especially when you have a solid shirt, and a solid skirt that are the same color or different. Why don't you try a few accessories to go with your outfit. Try, a sparkly purse or a pair of really long earrings with a matching necklace and bracelet. You still can wear your solids, but they don't have to look so.....................solid.

REMEMBER, Alphas, try something that pleases you. Not others (this applies to the ALPHAS that think they're all that)

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