Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Clique (Episode #4)

Jessica's hand seemed to be stuck in her pink purse. Stacey was ready to sheild her face in case of a water gun. Sally giggled and Amy covered her smile. "Here's what you've been working for," Jessica said handing a purple invitation to Stacey. Stacey couldn't beleive she was walking home with her well-earned invitation. As soon as she was safe in her room she opened the invitation. Happy Birthday began to play as she read the words that Jessica had written: If you received this card from me, then you are VERY lucky! Come to my birthday party/dance smash on July 12th at the "Dance Your Heart Out" studio. We'll have cake, soda, chips, soda, and FUN! Come prepared for endless fun and don't forget to check the back of this card to see if you're eligable to go to the sleepover afterwards. Hope to see you there!
Stacey's hands trembled as she slowly flipped her invitation around gasped. Her card had "SLEEPOVER" in bold letters. She could go!

"So, did you check out your inv-"
"It was great and I can't wait to go to the sleepover. Am I really in you clique?"
Sally, Amy, and Jessica exchanged glances like they were about to tell some disapointing news.

To Be Continued

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